Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day (Yesterday)

I have a keyboard for my iPad. Whoohoooo!

Anyway, a year ago yesterday was the first time I heard little Bennett's heartbeat. We only knew him as "Dos" back then. I was 11 weeks then and hadn't quite gone public to everyone that we were embarking on round two. We were waiting on the NT scan that was scheduled for the following week.

This year - not quite as eventful. I made dinner. We relaxed. Bennett slept through the night last night! It was the second night in a row! He has done it a few times here and there, so we will see. It could just be a fluke, but these "flukes" are getting more frequent.

I think we are coming out of the fog. We are getting used to the whole two kid thing. In about 6 more weeks, we will even be out of having two under two! I'm not going to lie. It was hard. But it's not so bad now. These past 5 and a half months have flown by. My little boy is rolling over and trying to scoot, he get his knees up and tries to push his feet out. I know it's only a matter of time before I have TWO mobile kids! My little girl is running, dancing, talking, singing....she's amazing. On one hand, I cannot wait for B to grow up and be where she is....on the other hand, I don't want him to grow any more. He's so snuggly, smiley, and sweet.

Sure, it takes a good hour to leave the house if I am by myself. I'll try to get my diaper bag packed, get Savannah changed and dressed, then I'll feed Bennett. After feeding (and possible spit up), he gets changed and dressed. I'll get dressed and put the finishing touches on myself. We put Bennett in his car seat - which I can hardly carry, it's so heavy! Then I walk Savannah down the steps and put her in her car seat in my car. Then it's back up in the house to grab Bennett and the diaper bag.

I know it sounds simple and easy, but there is usually some kind of element of surprise in a blowout, or extra diaper change. Or we can't find the shoes someone wants to wear (or needs to wear). Or there is something that needs to be cleaned up. There's never a dull moment until the kids are asleep!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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